Bubble Tubes and Accessories

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Still a firm favourite. Bubbles tubes or as sometimes referred to bubble columns are an extremely well established sensory room product. The visually pleasing tube full of colourful dancing bubbles visual tracking work, has a real wow factor whilst still having superb calming properties..

Bubble tubes do require regular maintenance especially water changing which should be done every 6-8 weeks. All our bubble tubes incorporate an easy emptying mechanism. Fitted with the brightest LED light source to create a vivid array of different colours (16.1 million to be precise). They are available in 3 different heights as standard (custom sizes can be made to order). They can also be passive or interactive and can be used with the full range of our wireless switches and remotes.

All our wireless remotes benefit from an UNRIVALLED battery life of 5 years and more without the need for battery changing or even charging.